
Recensies, contactgegevens voor International Student Jury - Film by the Sea

International Student Jury - Film by the Sea


This is the facebook page of the International Student Jury of Film by the Sea which is a collaboration between HZ Cult, HZ university of applied sciences, UCR and Film by the Sea.


The international students are from HZ University of Applied Sciences and University College Roosevelt. During the festival they will meet up and watch and review eight movies of young, up-and-coming filmmakers from different small film countries. At the end of the week the jury will hand out the International Student Award to the winner of this award.

HZ students who participate the entire programme can obtain European credits for their free composition course called HZ Personality. All members who completed the programme will receive a signed certificate of attendance.

The international film festival Film by the Sea is located in Vlissingen, just as HZ university of applied sciences and nearby Middelburg where University College Roosevelt is situated.

To be able to write a critical review about all films all members follow multiple workshops of ‘Watching films with a critical view’ given by film critic Gerlinda Heywegen. Other workshops that they follow are ‘creating videos for social media purposes’ given by the audiovisual department of HZ university of applied sciences.

All the student jury members are expected to be ambassadors of the film festival and will use their (online) social network to inform others about the festival, the specific films and to make them enthusiastic to come. Especially young people who can see them as a role model or significant other. To be able to do so, they will also have a workshop about ‘Tips & Tricks how to use Social Media as a jury member’.

Adres: 4381 LZ Vlissingen
Telefoonnummer: 0118-489799
Stad: Vlissingen
Postcode: 4381 LZ

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