
Recensies, contactgegevens voor International Dutch Hickory Open

International Dutch Hickory Open


A unique hickory golf tournament on a unique private golf course in the center of the Netherlands. The IDHO is held since 2010 and open to all golf lovers.


The International Dutch Open (IDHO) is a hickory tournament that is held on the historical heather golf Ullerberg (see http://www.ullerberg.nl/IDHO).
Hickory golf is golf played exclusively with original golfclubs with a wooden shaft made of hickory wood. Players often dress according to the the period (early twentieth century) but this is not a prerequisite.

The tournament is a 2-day event. On the Friday before the tournament, players can play a practice round on the golf course and participate in the reception and dinner in the evening in the authentic manor on the Ullerberg estate with their partners, all optional.

The tournament proper is held on Saturday over 18 holes and includes a simple but lavish country lunch and a prize ceremony with drinks in the manor at the end of the day.

Players and their partners can stay at the Ullerberg estate or in one of the neighbouring hotels.

The IDHO 2015 will be held on 18-19 September.
Please register on the IDHO website: http://www.ullerberg.nl/IDHO

To participate please

Adres: Jhr. Dr. C.J. Sandbergweg 97a, 3852 PT Ermelo (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: +31 6 5515 6884
Stad: Ermelo
Route: Jhr. Dr. C.J. Sandbergweg 97a
Postcode: 3852 PT

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