
Recensies, contactgegevens voor International Ayurveda Congress

International Ayurveda Congress


International Ayurveda Congresses illuminate the time-tested knowledge of Ayurveda with up-to-date insights from modern science + opening the way to have it included into mainstream public healthcare + showing the possibility of a disease-free society.


All India Ayurvedic Congress, International Academy of Ayurveda and International Maharishi AyurVeda Foundation jointly are organizing International Ayurveda Congress in different parts of the world.

Internationally renowned scholars will be keynote speakers at these congresses and present scientifically verified solutions to showcase the effectiveness of Ayurveda towards fulfilling the human pursuit of health, happiness and long life and showing the way to create a disease-free society.

These International Ayurveda Congresses offer a prestigious platform for research scholars to present their findings in various fields of Ayurveda. The latest innovative and pioneering work will be presented in these congresses together with planning sessions how to implement Ayurveda into the mainstream setup of public health care.

500 delegates, including eighty Ayurvedic experts from India, participated in the first International Ayurveda Congress in The Netherlands 2015.

80 speakers and 300 delegates from 54 countries made the 2nd International Ayurveda Congress in London 2017 a huge success, in the presence of Dr Tony Nader, MD, PhD, MARR, the presidents of the 3 organizers and Shri Shripad Naik, Minister of AYUSH, Government of India.

Stad: Leiden

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Ayurveda Conference 2022, Ayurveda Conference 2023, Ayurveda World, Ayurworld, All conferences and Events at Vigyan Bhawan 2023
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