
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Interal T.C.

Interal T.C.


Interal T.C.


Interal T.C. has taken a huge leap in the area of producing and renting aluminium trusses since it was established in 2003. Our trusses are amongst the most used ones in Europe with our 2 truss type production that is compatible with the most used trusses in the staging and rigging world. Full TÜV approval of all our products, certified staff and a streamlined production line ensure that the user can acquire an affordable and reliable product.

Interal produces trusses in-house for both sales and rental. This combination ensures that it is extra attractive for the customer to use Interal T.C. trusses. When buying new trusses, the customer can temporarily use rental trusses until the new material is delivered.
We also produce custom-made aluminium products. Special scenery items or accessories are fully drawn and produced by Interal T.C. based on customer requirements.

The rental stock comprises 8 km in truss lengths and more than 120 circles varying from 1 meter to no less than 50 metres in diameter. Interal T.C. trusses are famous due to having been used in a range of TV programmes and events such as the FIFA World Championship football, Idols, Popstars, Formula 1, and many more…

"Creating trussing to suit the entertainment industry"
Adres: Maasheseweg 73, 5804 AB Venray (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: 0031(0)478-542018
Stad: Venray
Route: Maasheseweg 73
Postcode: 5804 AB

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Interal Protruss, Interal p36, Interal rental
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