
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ingefleur Fertility Homeopath

Ingefleur Fertility Homeopath


Ingefleur is a fertility specialist helping couples globally to conceive naturally through tailored fertility treatment.


It is possible to increase your chances of falling pregnant naturally!

As a matter of fact, I see it in my clinic all the time. Of the women that have come to see me, all have noticed an improvement in their fertility within the first month. For example:

Increased fertile cervical mucus
Lengthening of the luteal phase
Better time ovulation
Less erratic temperatures pre-ovulation
Higher temperatures post-ovulation
Reduced menstrual pains
Reduced pre-menstrual symptoms
Better quality menstruation (heavier or lighter, depending on where they came from!)

Even couples that seem to have already tried everything, become parents after homeopathic treatment. Couples that have tried IVF, couples that are over 40, have histories of miscarriages. Even couples who have been told by their doctors that they will never be able to conceive…

My name is Ingefleur and as a homeopath I help couples conceive naturally. They come to me with:

Unexplained infertility
History of miscarriages
Hormonal imbalances and period problems such as too light or too heavy periods, painful or irregular periods
Emotional trauma, anxiety or depression
Chemical and metal toxicity
Symptoms of PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome)
Low libido
Low sperm count or motility
History of contraceptive hormones such as the pill or the coil
Chronic inflammations
Chronic thrush (candida)

"Ingefleur provides tailored natural fertility treatment to help couples start or grow their family."
Adres: Kauw 13, 1261 SK Blaricum
Telefoonnummer: +31647003966
Stad: Blaricum
Route: Kauw 13
Postcode: 1261 SK

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Routebeschrijving naar Ingefleur Fertility Homeopath met het openbaar vervoer

Blaricum, De Maten 230 meter
Blaricum, De Maten 280 meter
Huizen, Aristoteleslaan 440 meter
Huizen, Aristoteleslaan 440 meter
Blaricum, De Dam 500 meter

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