
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Impian Anak

Impian Anak


Impian Anak is looking for sponsors who will financially support a child in Lombok-Indonesia, to help the child go to school.


Impian Anak is looking for sponsors who will financially support a child in Lombok-Indonesia, to help the child go to school. We get the help of a group of enthusiatic people in Lombok; Opan, Ida, Daan, Hamdi and Pak Umpuk.They select and accompany the children.
We do not give the children/their families cash money, but we give the things they need to go to school, like schooluniforms, pens, books, or a contribution towards the school or travelling costs.

Telefoonnummer: +31478539090
Stad: Blitterswijck

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