
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hulsberg


Hulsberg is a village in the southeastern Netherlands. It is located in the municipality of Nuth, Limburg, about 15 km eastf Maastricht.In 2001, Hulsberg had 3,337 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.7 km², and contained 1,295 residences. The district of Hulsberg, which includes some of the surrounding countryside, has around 4,300 inhabitants .Until 1982, Hulsberg was a municipality of its own. After the re-arrangement of the municipalities in the Netherlands, Hulsberg and Schimmert were merged with the municipality of Nuth.Hulsberg is popular stay-over place for Dutch. Its accommodations include two campings, and several hotels and motels)motel]]

Adres: Hulsberg
Stad: Hulsberg

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