
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Horst


Horst is a village in the Dutch province of Limburg. It is located in the municipality of Horst aan de Maas. Although the municipality is named after the village, Horst itself is not called "aan de Maas", because it does not lie on the River Meuse (in Dutch called Maas).Towns, and the number of inhabitants on 01.01.2016America, 2.055Broekhuizen, 763Broekhuizenvorst, 1077Eversoort, 256Griendtsveen, 541Grubbenvorst, 4.799Hegelsom, 1.908Horst, 12.780Kronenberg, 1.152Lottum, 1.948Meerlo, 1.892Melderslo, 2.053Meterik, 1.471Sevenum, 6.546Swolgen, 1.230Tienray, 1.208Total, 41.679(Updated from the 2016 Horst aan de Maas official website infographics data)Horst was a separate municipality until it merged with Broekhuizen and Grubbenvorst to form the new municipality Horst aan de Maas in 2007. Later the municipality had the villages of; Grubbenvorst, Lottum, Broekhuizen and Broekhuizenvorst added to it.

Adres: Horst
Stad: Horst

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