
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Homburg DrainCleaners

Homburg DrainCleaners


For drainage on the land or in the greenhouse. Crops grow better and working conditions for preparing the seedbeds and the har vest are optimal.


Of course you are familiar with the benefits of drainage on the land or in the greenhouse. Crops grow better and working conditions for preparing the seedbeds and the har vest are optimal.

Homburg Draincleaners are safe because they operate under a low water pressure of only 10 to 12 bar. The extremely sturdy HPE hose is pushed into the drain (up to 500 metres) making it possible for the specially developed nozzle to clean the drain and remove the dirt.

Regular maintenance is essential for drainage to keep working in optimal fashion.
This is because your drainpipe may become blocked with clay, sand, ingrown roots and iron oxide, resulting in a higher groundwater level and a greater risk of salination. This can cause the condition of your soil to deteriorate. Regular drain cleaning will keep your soil in top condition.
And this in turn is reflected in the quality of your crops and your yield.

Homburg drain cleaners are economic al to use, reliable and extremely robust.
Their simple operation guarantees a safe and efficient working environment.
In its design and construction of draincleaners Homburg draws on many years of practical experience. Homburg can offer an appropriate draincleaner for every specific situation. The patented system cleans without affecting the structure of the soil or the drain.

Adres: It Noarderfjild 21, 9051 BM Stiens
Telefoonnummer: +31 58 257 15 55
Stad: Stiens
Route: It Noarderfjild 21
Postcode: 9051 BM

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Homburg Drainspuit, Homburg Blizz, Homburg Delta, Homburg Holland
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