
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Holland Circular Hotspot

Holland Circular Hotspot


We connect the global CE community, stimulating cross-sectoral collaborations, the exchange of knowledge and innovations, and circular entrepreneurship.


The Netherlands Circular Hotspot is a campaign aimed at positioning the Netherlands internationally as a circular hotspot and sharing the best practices and learnings with companies and governments around the world. The campaign includes the realisation of a broad vision on the Netherlands’ circular future, a Circular Expo, exhibiting (internationally) scalable circular projects, and an incoming trade- and journalist mission. The vision will be shaped based on input from Dutch and international thought-, sector- and industry leaders and representatives of younger generations. The visionary document will be presented to European government officials at the Innovation Expo during the Dutch EU presidency in 2016.

Prince Carlos de Bourbon de Parme and Circle Economy are the pioneers of this campaign. The initiators are the Social Economic Council (SER), Delta Development Group, Circle Economy and INSID. Netherlands Circular Hotspot is supported by more than 25 ambassador-businesses, organizations and cooperates with the Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment and NLCirculair!.

Adres: Rijnlanderweg 916, 2153 MN Hoofddorp
Stad: Hoofddorp
Route: Rijnlanderweg 916
Postcode: 2153 MN

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