
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hogeweyk


De Hogeweyk, operated by nursing home Hogewey, is a gated model village in Weesp, Netherlands. It has been designed specifically as a pioneering care facility for elderly people with dementia. The benefit of using all-day reminiscence therapy at Hogewey, compared to traditional nursing homes, is that the residents with dementia are more active and require less medication. The setting has been compared to that depicted in the film The Truman Show. Carers, doctors and nurses work around the clock to provide the 152 residents the necessary 24-hour care.

Adres: Weesp
Stad: Weesp

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Verpleeghuis Weesp, Hogewey, Weesp vacatures, Telefoonnummer hogewey weesp, De Hogeweyk kosten, Wachtlijst Hogewey Weesp, Adres Hogeweyk Weesp, Vivium restaurant, Vivium Services Huizen
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