
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hoeven


Hoeven is a village in the municipality of Halderberge in the Netherlands. The name Hoeven originated from the purchase of a certain amount of ground in 1282 by the abbey of Cistercienser of St. Bernard. This amount was equal to 100 "hoeven", a local measure of area in those days. A hoeve is approximately 12 bunder. A "bunder" equals the area of the average agricultural farm in the Netherlands.Municipality of HoevenHoeven was a separate municipality until 1997 including the three villages of Bosschenhoofd, Hoeven and Kruisstraat. In 1997 the municipality of Hoeven became a part of Halderberge.Different namesThough the village officially is named Hoeven, most civilians use and pronounce it as "Oeve" or "d'Oeve" as 'Hoeven' is pronounced in the local dialect, Brabants. Remarkable in the southern parts of the Netherlands, where they officially celebrate carnival, is that during this period all places change names during this seven-day celebration. In case of Hoeven it is known in this period as "Peejenland" which means "Land of the Carrots". Before the name may be changed the Mayor must hand the key of the village to the Prince of Carnival ("Prins Carnaval") and this way he gives the Prince the leadership of the village. At the end of Carnaval the Princess gives the key back to the Mayor and the village welcomes boards change back to the original.

Adres: Hoeven
Stad: Hoeven

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