
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Heeze


Heeze is a town in the Dutch province of North Brabant. It is located in the municipality of Heeze-Leende, about 9 km southeast of Eindhoven.Heeze was a separate municipality until 1997, when it merged with Leende.The Heeze Castle is located east of the town. Further east and to the north lies the Strabrechtse Heide.The 26 ha. country estate Kapellerput is housing magnificent deciduous and coniferous forests, fens and heath. The setting which is rich in forest and waterways borders the famous Strabrecht heath as well as the Aa river basin. A wonderful environment to discover on foot or on one bike. There is a conference hotel and a treehouse at the estate.TransportationRailway station: Heeze

Adres: Heeze
Stad: Heeze

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