
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Heel (plaats)


Heel is a town in the southeastern Netherlands. It has been a part of the municipality of Maasgouw since January 1, 2007. Before, it was a separate municipality covering Heel, Panheel, Beegden and Wessem. Before 1991, the official name of the municipality was Heel en Panheel. In pre-Roman times, this was the location of the Gallic town of Catualium.The town is located near the E25 motorway and the river Meuse.Major cities in the surrounding areas are; Roermond (Northeast, 10 kilometers)Maastricht (South, 45 kilometers)Eindhoven (Northwest, 50 kilometers)Born in Heel Lies Visschedijk (1974), actress Jo Rutten (1934), dressage riderLiving in Heel Jesse Huta Galung (1985), tennis player

Adres: Heel (plaats)
Stad: Heel

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