
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Heeg


Heeg is a small village in Súdwest Fryslân in the province Friesland of the Netherlands and has around 2550 citizens (2007).HistoryBecause of its location on the Hegemer lake eel fishery and trade have been important to Heeg for a long time. Until 1938, eels from Heeg were exported to London. The Hegemers could thereby free use of the Dutch Mooring (Dutch landing) at the Thames, not far from the Tower of London. The trade was so important to the village that there was a time that the children from Heeg at primary school al learned English.Nowadays, Heeg is a known water sports center with a variety of marinas and shipyards. This is the shipyard for flat bottoms Piersma the most famous ???. This shipyard was taken into use more than 300 years ago. In the center of the village are a few buildings from the 18th century including the Dutch Reformed Church from 1745.CommunityPopulation 1954 - 2481 1959 - 2441 1964 - 2484 1969 - 1471 1973 - 1494 2006 - 2241

Adres: Heeg
Stad: Heeg

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