We are an apostolic and prophetic church community to transform the nation in implementing the values of Gods Kingdom! We teach, disciple, equip and send!
We are an apostolic church community dedicated to building a generation of believers desiring to be change makers in the world. We invest in having a strong and intimate relationship with our Father, the King of kings!
Our vision is to create a Jesus Generation to transform the nations and expand the Kingdom of God. We do this by teaching, training and discipling the believers to become mature sons and daughters of God. We equip the saints to have and send them out into the communities to be the answer to problems of this world.
Rom 8:19: For the anxious longing of the creation waits eagerly for the revealing of the sons of God.
We are Kingdom people that Love God!
Heaven Designed Life is founded on the October 16, 2016 by apostle Melvin Abrahams (Heaven's Design Ministries South Africa). He is the spiritual father of the house and the set couple, Stefan and Melvina Lakhichand.
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