
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hardshock Festival

Hardshock Festival


Hardshock Festival - 100% Hardcore & Harder! Join the community!


April 15th, 2017 is coming and you definitely want to save that date! We aren't like every other Hardcore festival out there, making the smallest change in their line up every year. Producing the same line up time and time again is good for some but not for us. We support our favorite artists but we put a spin on our line ups like no other festival out there! We bring you crazy back to backs and talent from every corner of the world big AND small. Our passion is to make sure we give you artists from the past, present and future of Hardcore so you never forget where we came from, what we're doing or where we're going! Ready for the hype train?! It's coming...

Adres: IJmeerdijk 2, 1309 BA Almere Haven
Stad: Almere-Haven
Route: IJmeerdijk 2
Postcode: 1309 BA

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