
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Hang Uut - The Netherlands

Hang Uut - The Netherlands


This is the Official page about the "Hang Uut" gathering of the the Netherlands. Here you will find all the information about the concert every year


This is the Official page about the "Hang Uut" gathering of the Netherlands.

"Hang Uut The Netherlands" is an international event of handpan players and musicians which are organized every year in a small church. Rob Verheul & Rosa Rozendal are the event organizers of the "Hang Uut" with a big crew of volunteers to make this experience as best it could be.

Here you will find all the information about the concert.

Adres: Oosteinde 31, Wapserveen
Telefoonnummer: +31521321416
Stad: Wapserveen
Route: Oosteinde 31

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