
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Groot-Ammers


Groot-Ammers is a town in the Dutch province of South Holland. It is a part of the municipality of Molenwaard, and is located about 13 km southeast of Gouda on the southside of the Lek River.In 2001, the town of Groot-Ammers had 2822 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.56 km², and contained 1059 residences. The statistical area "Groot-Ammers", which also includes the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 3100.HistoryThe first mention of Groot-Ammers dates back to 1042. The lords of Liesvelt built their castle around that time as one of the largest and strongest castles of the Netherlands. The surroundings of the castle, including Groot-Ammers, stood under the influence of these lords.Willem Frederik of Nassau bought the barony of Liesvelt in 1636.In modern times the barony of Liesvelt became the municipality of Groot-Ammers. In 1986 Groot-Ammers and bordering municipalities aggregated to form the municipality of Liesveld. Since 2013 Liesveld has become part of Molenwaard. Notably, Groot-Ammers boasts the Headquarters of International Heavy transport company Van der Vlist

Adres: 2964 Groot-Ammers
Stad: Groot-Ammers
Postcode: 2964

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Groot-Ammers Groot-Ammers 182 meter Groot-Ammers.info is een opkomend portal wat bedoeld is voor de ondernemer en particu...
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