
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Groenlo


Groenlo is a city in the municipality of Oost Gelre, situated in the eastern part of the Netherlands on the German border, a region in the province of Gelderland called the Achterhoek (literally: "back corner"). Groenlo was a municipality until 1 January 2005, when it merged with Lichtenvoorde. Until May 19, 2006 Groenlo was the official name of Oost Gelre. As of 1 January 2006 Groenlo, including its hamlet Zwolle, counted a population of 10,067. Groenlo is known locally and historically as Grolle, Groll or Grol.Today, Groenlo is known primarily for its beer brewery Grolsch (literal meaning: "from Grol"), which was in business since 1615, but has been closed in 2004 when it moved to Boekelo. Grolsch produces many specialty beers (including beers for each season) and its beer is exported all over the world. Groenlo's military history is less well known today.HistoryGroenlo originates from the beginning of the 7th century. The name Groenlo refers to a green wood that lay in the neighbourhood (groen means "green", lo means "forest"), hence the old shield of Groenlo, a green tree. Groenlo became a Guelders enclave of Borculo. On 2 December 1277, it received city rights from landgrave Reinoud I of Zutphen. There were six councilors, four of which were aldermen and two mayors. The judicial archive of Groenlo is very incomplete.

Adres: Groenlo
Stad: Groenlo

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Stad Groenlo Stad Groenlo 8 km Werken aan de toekomst van Groenlo. Een vitale stad die duidelijk in het heden leeft,...
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