
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Groei



#groei is an installation which brings back the sea by a cucumber-greenhouse


At the site of organic farmer and (web)shop "It griene strân" I made an installation.
Cucumbers are planted in a little greenhouse made of materials i found in the area. They are supported by strings of hemp, forming a word. Within some weeks the cucumber crops will start to fructify. Feel free to pick one of those cucumbers, some salt or herbs and enjoy the food and the surroundings.

What fascinated me when I started this project is the urge for mankind to explore borders. Literally by land reclamation and cultivating, but as well by the great effort for agriculture to extensification of production for the last 80 years. It brought good and bad things, but above all it has taught us a lot.

Funny peculiarity: In a way the sea is brought back by water-packed cucumber on a place where it used to roll, 80 years ago.

Adres: Slinkewei 8, 8711 HC Workum
Stad: Workum
Route: Slinkewei 8
Postcode: 8711 HC

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