
Recensies, contactgegevens voor GRAUZONE



Grauzone Festival 2020: February 7-8, The Hague, The Netherlands. More info & other events: www.grauzonefestlval.com


Grauzone festival is a multidisciplinary underground festival with a diverse and cutting-edge programme where music, film and art complement each other.
Grauzone features young talent as well as established names rooted in or influenced by the underground music scene from new wave, elektronic to psychedelic and experimental. The program consists of performances by (international) bands and DJ’s, a symposium with lectures and interviews, an (GRAUKUNST) exhibition and a film program. All in anintimate context with an international audience.

Adres: Prinsegracht 12, 2512 GA Den Haag
Stad: The Hague
Route: Prinsegracht 12
Postcode: 2512 GA

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