
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Goirle


Goirle is a municipality and town in the southern Netherlands, in the province of North Brabant. Part of the suburban area of the city of Tilburg, it shares with it its phone area code and public transport system.The municipality also includes the villages of Breehees and Riel.The Netherlands national football team defender Joris Mathijsen was born and raised in Goirle. The skater Ireen Wüst was also born in Goirle. Symphonic metal band Nightwish's third vocalist Floor Jansen was also born in Goirle.TopographyDutch Topographic map of the municipality of Goirle, June 2015

Adres: 5050–5053, 5133 Goirle
Stad: Goirle
Postcode: 5050–5053, 5133

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