
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Global Center for Food Systems Innovation, Wageningen University

Global Center for Food Systems Innovation, Wageningen University


Global Center for Food Systems Innovation at the Management Studies Group, Wageningen University. To share news, knowledge and opportunities.


The Global Center for Food Systems Innovation is a development lab led by Michigan State University and funded by the US Agency for International Development (USAID). It is part of USAID's the Higher Education Solutions Network (HESN). Wageningen University & Research (Netherlands) is GCFSI's international partner together with Sokoine University (Tanzania), the Energy & Resource Institute (India) and Lincoln University (USA). Project coordinators related to the GCFSI, Wageningen University are Associate Professor Dr. Domenico Dentoni and postdoc scholars Dr. Larissa Shnayder and Dr. Rob Lubberink.

Adres: Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen-Hoog, Gelderland, Netherlands
Stad: Wageningen-Hoog
Route: Hollandseweg 1
Postcode: 6706 KN

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