
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Gesar Fund Foundation

Gesar Fund Foundation


Gesar Fund Foundation



"Improving the living standards of the Tibetan people"
Ineke de Wit founded therefore six years ago the Surmang Foundation Europe. Surmang is a region in Kham, where the monasteries of Trungpa Rinpoche resided. Through the foundation established by her, she hoped to collect more money for healthcare in the region. And that has succeeded as well. All donors and interested: Thank you very much!
Meanwhile the area where the Foundation has easy access to has increased. It now includes the entire region of Kham and the region of Golok. We have also gotten more perspective on other needs than just health care. We decided to expand our fundraising to education, starting with primary education. To underline that we broaden our scope, we have chosen a different name in the spirit of the Shambhala Buddhist tradition. We welcome since December 1, 2008: Gesar Fund Foundation.

Gesar of Ling
Gesar of Ling is a legendary Tibetan king whom stories are retold throughout the whole Tibetan world, even to this day. He is seen as a rebirth of Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of compassion and of Padmasambhava. Fearlessly he freed the people in Tibet who were suffering under the terror of aggression, greed and fear. That’s how he created an enlightened society. Under his reign prosperity prevailed. Wisdom and humanity flourished as never before. The Gesar Fund aims to be inspired by Gesar's energetic compassion and Shambhala- vision, and of course by his total devotion to the Tibetan people. Therefore we have currently two projects running, for which we ask your support. Read more about it under Projects.


You can also support our projects by depositing your contribution to:
ING account number 4391534
attn. Stichting Gesar Fund
Mollenakker 2, 3994 GC Houten

Establishment and Tax Authorities
The foundation is registered in Leiden and at the Chamber of Commerce under number 28100515. The Foundation is recognized by The Tax Authorities as ANBI (Algemeen Nut Beogende Instelling) / (General Benefit Objective Organization). Your donations are tax deductible.

Adres: Mollenakker 2, 3994 GC Houten
Telefoonnummer: 0031 (0)6 532 350 71
Stad: Houten
Route: Mollenakker 2
Postcode: 3994 GC

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