
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ger Poels Horses

Ger Poels Horses


After 30 years of experience in the equestrian world. Ger Poels Horses jumping and dealing stable has built a strong and trusted reputation with the sale of quality horses.

With expert training and management, horses are trained and produced up to and including Olympic level.
One of the strong points of the team is finding and producing young talented horses, with the end result, matching the right horse with the right customer.

Further we have a beautiful equestrian complex where we can greet clients and offer training for both horse and rider.

Adres: Donkstraat 11, 5866 BR Swolgen, Limburg, Netherlands
Stad: Swolgen
Route: Donkstraat 11
Postcode: 5866 BR

Accommodatie waar met veel ruimte en rust paarden kunnen worden getraind.
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