
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Geldrop


Geldrop is a town in the Dutch province of North Brabant. It is located in the municipality of Geldrop-Mierlo.Geldrop was a separate municipality until 2004, when it merged with Mierlo. Mainly to keep out of the municipality of Eindhoven.It is also known for having a neighbourhood with streets named after characters and elements from the works of JRR Tolkien.The spoken language is "Geldrops", a distinct dialect within the East Brabantian dialect group and is very similar of colloquial Dutch.TransportRoad: Geldrop is linked with Eindhoven to the east by A67 motorway. Railway: Geldrop railway station.Archaeology in GeldropGeldrop has proven a fertile ground for archaeological digs, with finds from various historical and prehistorical eras.The exact age of Geldrop isn't known. Through the years, several archaeological finds were made which testify to prehistoric occupants.Where over 10.000 years ago reindeer hunters of the so-called Ahrensburg culture placed their tents, the finds on the Geldrops grounds included, among other things, two toes with engraving. On one of them a reindeer horn was represented, on the other one a dancing little girl who got nicknamed "The Venus of Mierlo".

Adres: Geldrop
Stad: Geldrop

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