
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Galerie Wegert & Sadocco

Galerie Wegert & Sadocco


zie www.kunstinwinkel.nl


Paris-Tokyo- Winkel
At the beginning of the galery (April 2007) one would ask us (Wilma Wegert and Serge Sadocco) why we start a galery in Winkel. Since Wilma Wegert also lived in Paris and Tokyo we decided to pimp up the name of the galery by adding Paris-Tokyo- Winkel. In fact it stands for the playground the galery is about: the artists are free to exhibit as they want and so are we.


Wegert & Sadocco offer the artists carte blanche in respect to their exhibtions. One is free to do whatever is needed in favour of the exhibition. One condition has to be respected: to leave the space as how you found it.

Wegert & Sadocco offer artist talks (Salon) including diner for 25,00 euro
(including drinks) per person.

Wegert & Sadocco offer artists in residence space for 2015 for 250,00 euro per month.

Wegert & Sadocco offer live and work space to the students Image and Language from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy.

Wegert & Sadocco is part of Trias Artistica

Adres: Bosstraat 7, 1731sb Winkel (Noord-Holland)
Telefoonnummer: 06-46608594
Stad: Winkel
Route: Bosstraat 7
Postcode: 1731sb

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