
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Foundation All Nations

Foundation All Nations


The purpose of this website is to provide you with information about the progress of activities that take place in East and South Africa


Some of the activities

= Bible conferences

These conferences give the brothers and sisters the opportunity to be occupied with the Word of God during a week; they do this in an atmosphere of restfulness and fellowship without worrying about meals or work in the fields and plantations. Once back in their villages, they share the teachings they have enjoyed with those that were not able to come.
We also organize systematic Bible studies for brothers. Many of them are then able to help others to understand the Word of God better.

= Family conferences

Marriage and family life is being disrupted increasingly everywhere today, in Africa as well. This is caused by both traditions that deviate from the Word and through influences from western society. Therefore these conferences cover a big need, especially for young families and their children.

= Youth camps

More and more young people leave their villages and small towns (too) early to continue their studies in bigger cities.
They are often lodged with relatives who do not live according to the guidelines of Scripture.
For these young people it is very important to get away from surroundings full of distractions and sin, to hear the gospel and the teaching of the Word of God.

= More literature is needed in East and South Africa to address particular local issues. Bibles and commentaries are needed in some of the East and South African languages. Gospel tracts are needed in several languages for use in Northeastern Congo, Uganda, Rwanda, Kenya, South Africa and Mozambique ...............
Through Christian bookstores Bibles in several languages, commentaries, pamphlets, gospel tracts and Bible courses are offered in cities and villages in East and South Africa.
We receive this sound literature from publishers in Europe and America.
There is also an increasing need for brochures with sound teaching, written by and for believers in Africa. From their personal experience these authors write about the issues that concern the society in Africa, such as marriage, family, funerals, hereafter, ancestral worship, superstitions, etc.

= Distribution of teaching materials

More and more we have opportunities to distribute booklets and Bible courses in secondary schools.
The larger part of this material has been written by serious African believers who are very well informed about the problems of many young people in their countries.

= Teaching reading and writing

Older women especially, but younger ones as well, have never had the opportunity to learn how to read and write.
Teaching reading, writing and other subjects is important work to enable this group to read the Bible, but manuals about gardening and agriculture too.
They also learn mathematics to function better in their society and take care of their families.

= Translation work

In many villages the inhabitants hardly speak and understand English and French.
Brothers regularly translate booklets about biblical and practical subjects for them into their own languages.
A hymnbook has been translated and published in three languages, and we hope to print two other hymnbooks next year.

= Agriculture
The gardening and agricultural projects help the farmers produce better crops and larger quantities.
We need (more) professionals from overseas who can counsel them. By means of interest-free loans they can start up cost-effective small enterprises which enable them to sustain their families.
With their regular reimbursements they can help others.

= Building projects
Bible conferences can only be held in an orderly manner on a fenced plot with dormitories which we can supervise well, especially during youth camps.
We know by experience that big difficulties and disorder will be the inevitable result of the lack of such buildings and their supervision.

Onze taak

The principal objectives of the foundation are:
= Preaching the gospel as it is presented in the Bible: Repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ
= Giving teaching from the Bible about the Christian life :
a) its personal aspect through subjects like repentance, forgiveness of sins, salvation, reconciliation with God, justification, etc. and
b) the collective aspect through subjects like the Assembly of God, the meetings of believers, their worldwide ties of unity, etc.

+ Distribution of sound literature and teaching how to read and write in several languages to realize and support these objectives.
+ Besides this, the foundation offers socio-medical help through small-scale projects and first aid clinics in combination with sound biblical teaching.



Foundation All Nations
Hellenbeekstraat 96
8081 HZ Elburg
The Netherlands

E-mail: [email protected]

Chamber of Commerce number: 41035423
Non-profit organization fiscal number: 816659990

Bank account | ING Bank N.V.
IBAN/SEPA: NL62INGB0672833778

Legal body
Legal form : Foundation
Statutory name : Stichting “aan Alle Volken” (Foundation ‘All Nations’)
Statutory domicile : ‘t Harde; Visiting address (office): Hellenbeekstraat 96, 8081HZ Elburg
Postal address : P.O.Box 17, 8084 ZG ‘t Harde
Phone number : (31)525680436; E-mailadres: [email protected]
Date of charter : 13-01-1983; Date of last amendment to the articles of the foundation : 18-03-2008
Activities: Promoting and supporting gospel outreach


- Bible and family conferences
- Youth camps
- Distribution of Christian literature
- Distribution of teaching materials
- Teaching reading and writing
- Translation work
- Agriculture
- Building projects
- Accountancy

"Our activitiesFunds made available via All Nations foundation allow us to provide sound biblical teaching and enable the preaching of the gospel. This happens, among other ways, through Bible conferences, youth camps, Christian bookshops, Bible correspondence courses and literature in many languages.These conferences give the brothers and sisters the opportunity to be occupied with the Word of God. They do this in an atmosphere of restfulness and fellowship without worrying about meals or their work in the fields and plantations. The annual conferences are happy and well-attended occasions where all are spiritually strengthened by the Word and also enjoy fellowship with one another.Once back in their villages and cities, participants"
Adres: Hellenbeekstraat 96, 8081 HZ Elburg (gemeente)
Telefoonnummer: +31654354856
Stad: Elburg
Route: Hellenbeekstraat 96
Postcode: 8081 HZ

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Routebeschrijving naar Foundation All Nations met het openbaar vervoer

Elburg, Klaverplein 320 meter
Elburg, Coragestraat 320 meter
Elburg, Hellenbeekstraat 340 meter
Elburg, Klaverplein 350 meter
Elburg, Coragestraat 360 meter

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