
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Fontys Study Abroad

Fontys Study Abroad


Welcome to the official Facebook page of Fontys Office for Internationalisation and Study Abroad.


Are you interested in spending a semester abroad? Fontys Study Abroad offers Fontys students the opportunity to study abroad and/or do an internship abroad.

For more information please contact us on [email protected]

For questions about a specific country or partner University and to get in contact with other students: check our Study Abroad groups on https://www.facebook.com/fontys.international/groups

Adres: Ds.Th. Fliednerstraat 2, 5631 BN Eindhoven
Stad: Eindhoven
Route: Ds.Th. Fliednerstraat 2
Postcode: 5631 BN

op zoek naar gerelateerd: Minor abroad Fontys, Study abroad Fontys, Mobility Online Fontys, Fontys Eindhoven, Fontys minor, International coordinator fontys, Fontys connect, Fontys university
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