
Recensies, contactgegevens voor FlevoLof BV

FlevoLof BV


Teler van Witlofwortelen in Flevoland. Chicory-Roots. Racines d'Endives. Chicoreewurzeln.


FlevoLof grows and supplies high-quality witloof-chicory and red chicory roots for customers in The Netherlands and abroad. Our fields are in the fertile Noordoostpolder in the province of Flevoland. For 35 years, our company has been building a quality network of customers and suppliers. Thanks to our long experience with cultivation and forcing of witloof-chicory, we have become a knowledgeable partner for witloof-chicory growers in many different countries.
FlevoLof began in 1978 as a witloof-chicory grower. In the 1990s, the company experienced strong growth. FlevoLof is now seen as a stage-manager in the chain of witloof-chicory cultivation. We advise on the various aspects of witloof-chicory growing. We provide growing advice and are intermediaries for seed companies, labourers and laboratories. And we maintain good and close contacts with sorting and cold storage companies. We keep on innovating and researching. FlevoLof has regular consultation, advice and research contacts with consulting agencies, technical colleges and universities (such as Wageningen).

Adres: Dorpsstraat 148, 1733 AR Nieuwe Niedorp
Telefoonnummer: 0031651914888
Stad: Nieuwe-Niedorp
Route: Dorpsstraat 148
Postcode: 1733 AR

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