
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Eygelshoven


Eygelshoven is a small village near the town of Kerkrade in the southeast of the Netherlands, close to the German and Belgian borders.It has two former coal mines, Laura and Julia, which were named after the wives of the two owners. Both pits closed in 1974. The local soccer club is also named after the former coal mines.Eygelshoven has a small former church from the sixteenth century, which stands on top of a hill. In 1922, another church was built. Architect Alphons Boosten designed the new church. Plans to demolish the old church were abandoned in favour of a new use as a chapel and because of its historical worth.A third Roman Catholic church was built in 1957, the Pastoor van Arskerk, which was torn down in 1994 when it became redundant.The old mining village of Eygelshoven was a separate municipality until 1982, when after more than eight centuries it was merged with Kerkrade.TransportationEygelshoven railway stationEygelshoven Markt railway station

Adres: 6471 Eygelshoven
Stad: Eygelshoven
Postcode: 6471

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