
Recensies, contactgegevens voor European Centre for the Experience Economy

European Centre for the Experience Economy


Tradional economy dematerialises. Business ánd personal values are changing New business models emerge, old ones become obsolete.
Rethink your business.


Rethink your business to become disruption proof
Our economic and societal landscape changes ruthless. No organsiation or company can avoid the impact. Today every business should challenge it's purpose, it's value proposition and business model to become future-proof. Products and services are becoming increasingly interchangeable. Almost any industry is feeling the urgency. Old handles do not work anymore and straightline thinking has stopped. One has to make sure that one delivers meaningful experiences that capture value for clients and stakeholders.
Our economy is dematerialising as our values change in present society. Learn to navigate through the societal shifts and the developments that will be key for you and your organsiations for continuity in the future. Understand the psychology of your customers and their experience. We facilitate to unfold the potential experience value in your organisation and co-create new value propositions for your customers with maximum value. We offer insight in the changing ways to reach your customers and to develop a new eco systems and redesign your processes to be able to deliver the maximum value for your customers ánd your organisation. Development of high performace cultures, new competences and a talent based organisation are key in a new comeptitive environment. Explore new and innovative revenue models and cost structures in order to be fit for the future.

We are a knowledge platform of experience professionals; offer professional education in the field of business innovation, new forms of value creation( the economy of experiences) and offer advisory services .

We share developments, articles, reports, theses and phd studies. We invite you to participate in the conversation and contribute to the dialogue;

Rethink your business and participate in our certification program for experience professionals.

Adres: Prof.Bronkhorstlaan 15, 3723MB Bilthoven
Telefoonnummer: +31346212110
Stad: Bilthoven
Route: Prof.Bronkhorstlaan 15
Postcode: 3723MB

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