
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Estec Sailing Club

Estec Sailing Club


Sailing Club for employees of Estec


The ESC offers a diversity of different sailing activities, both racing, cruising, and various related social activities.

The main activities take place on and around the lake where we keep our boats during the season (the Braassemmermeer, approximately 20 km from ESTEC). At the lake, there are 12 dinghies (types Wayfarer, Randmeer, Supernova, Laser and Buzz) at the club members' disposal. They range from the slower, cruising type boats for leisure sailing (Randmeers), to fast boats for those who enjoy more speed and challenge.

Races - more social than competitive - are being held throughout the entire season. Every 2 weeks, there is the ESC Cup Monday-night race, which is a great opportunity for members to get together. In addition, there are one-off races such as a 7-buoys race and occasional weekend regattas, typically followed by a barbeque. Usually privately-owned ESC Members' boats join in these races as well.

The members also participate in other major events such as the Ariane's Cup and ESA Cup. The ESTEC Sailing Club often arranges the ESA Cup, with other Agency Establishments sometimes taking their turn to do this. These two particular races take place in larger yachts with 5-10 persons on each boat. Needless to say, much social activity takes place during these events!

Several of the Club's members also have their own yachts. These members form the core of our Cruising Section. Throughout the season, several week-end cruises may take place. The first one of the season might be a cruise to England and back, across the North-Sea. In, addition, some of the yacht-owners sometimes need help to transport the boat from one location to another, so there is a possibility to join in there as well.

The Club is active all year. In the winter when the boats are out of the water, our Social Section is busy arranging social events. These may range from the annual Dinner Dance and occasional theme-evenings to the Highlights-of-the-Season evening, where the members have the chance to present a particular event they have taken part in during the season, be it an exotic charter in blue lagoons or a freezing cold regatta in the North-Sea.

The Club sees training as one of the major parts of its activities & offers different types of courses for its members. There are beginners courses for those who do not have any deep sailing experience, and more advanced courses for those who would like to improve their skills. During winter several theory lectures are organised. Another major effort is the organisation of RYA skipper courses and the Dutch Vaarbewijs.

Adres: Plantage 91, 2377AE Oude Wetering
Stad: Oude Wetering
Route: Plantage 91
Postcode: 2377AE

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