
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Eloy Flutes

Eloy Flutes


Handmade professional flutes and head joints in silver, gold and Mokumeum©


Harry van Ekert, a master goldsmith, started working with flutes in 1986 in the workshop of Trevor James in London, England. In 1988 he and his wife Cilia van Uffelen moved to the USA to work at the Powell workshop in Boston. In 1990 they settled in Someren, Holland to start “H&C Dwarsfluiten”; a flute specialised shop, making, repairing and selling flutes.

In 2008 it was time for a new challenge and the Eloy Flutes company was started. Here flutes and head joints are manufactured out of precious metals with seemed flute tubing. Their speciality are the patented Mokumeum© tubes; a laminated tube consisting out of 29 layers of different precious metals. These tubes result in a very special, brilliant sound and show a wonderful pattern on the tube surface.

Besides building flutes, Harry is an experienced repairer. He also gives courses in flute maintenance and demonstrations in flute making. Since 2011 flutists are also given the opportunity to “build their own instrument” in the Eloy Flutes workshop.

Adres: Hoevenstraat 8, 5712 GW Someren
Telefoonnummer: --31 (0)493 471290
Stad: Someren
Route: Hoevenstraat 8
Postcode: 5712 GW

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