
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Elisabeth de Charon de St Germain

Elisabeth de Charon de St Germain


Voice & Leadership coach for professional women & entrepreneurs ★ Impact with Vocal Feminine Presence ★ Classical Singer ★ Voice Alchemist ★


Are you ready for a new way of being coached?
With unique tools, created for women by women?
When you feel you’re one of the new intuitive women grassroots leaders of this time, this is for you.
You need a joyful, intuitive and intelligent way to step into what your really want.
With a new kind of power that guides you towards leading from collaboration, not competition. Co-operation, not coercion. Replenishment, not depletion.
Being coached by me, with the help of these tools, my expertise, and my intuitive abilities, will not only help yourself. It will give you the tools to create the change you so deeply long for in your life. With tangible results and sometimes a shifted higher consciousness that is felt in your whole surrounding and business.

If you want to be part of a growing group of women – who feels that in order to create a better, kinder, loving world we need to step up, and voice and show our deep and vast powers that can shake and build this world we live in -, I invite you to take a look at what I have to offer in order to help you create exactly that.

Or better, apply for a complimentary session; a free Clarity Call, and we will set up a meeting so we can have a chat about your aspirations and needs to step into your purpose.

"Release your Impact & Feminine Leadership Voice Soprano Voice Coach / Voice Alchemist for professional women and entrepreneurs certified International One of many women's leadership coach Specialised in the School for Uncovering the Voice."
Stad: Steenwijk

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