
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Ede


Ede is a municipality and a city in the center of the Netherlands, in the province of Gelderland.Population centresCommunity : Bennekom: 14,749 De Klomp: 508 Deelen: 50 Ede : 67,812 Ederveen: 3,167 Harskamp: 3,464 Hoenderloo: 65 Lunteren: 12,464 Otterlo : 2,383 Wekerom: 2,506 Total: 107,168The town of EdeLocationThe town itself is situated halfway between the larger cities of Arnhem and Utrecht with direct rail and road connections to both cities. There are no connections to any water nearby; however, there also is a direct road connection to the city of Wageningen which hosts a small industrial port on the river Rijn and a direct road and rail connection to the city of Arnhem, which features larger port at a greater distance. The environment is clean and green due to the fact Ede is partly built in a forest and partly on the central Dutch plains in the national park called Nationaal Park "De Hoge Veluwe".

Adres: 6710–6745, 6877 Ede
Stad: Ede
Postcode: 6710–6745, 6877

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