
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Dwingeloo


Dwingeloo is a town halfway between Meppel and Assen in the Dutch province of Drenthe. It is a part of the municipality of Westerveld.The town is known internationally because of the radio telescope of the Dwingeloo Radio Observatory (which at the time of its completion in 1956 was the largest radio telescope in the world), located on the edge of the Dwingeloo Heath, 3 km south of the village.Dwingeloo was a separate municipality until 1998, when it became a part of Westerveld.In 2001, the town of Dwingeloo had 2277 inhabitants. The built-up area of the town was 0.95 km², and contained 982 residences. The statistical area "Dwingeloo", which can also include the surrounding countryside, has a population of around 2560.

Adres: Dwingeloo
Stad: Dwingeloo

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