
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Dokkum


Dokkum is a Dutch fortified town in the municipality of Dongeradeel in the province of Friesland. It has 12,635 inhabitants (January 1, 2013). The fortifications of Dokkum are well preserved and are known as the bolwerken (bulwarks). It is the fifth most popular shopping city in Friesland. It also had the smallest hospital in the Netherlands.HistoryThe best-known event in Dokkum's history is the martyrdom of the Anglo-Saxon missionary Saint Boniface in 754. Oliver of Cologne preached the Fifth Crusade in Dokkum in 1214 and Dokkum sent a contingent; the crescent in the coat of arms of Dokkum refers to this event. Dokkum acquired city rights in 1298. In 1572 Dokkum was sacked by the Spaniards after it had joined the Dutch Revolt. In 1597, the Admiralty of Friesland was established in Dokkum. However, it was moved to Harlingen in 1645. In 1971 the city was included in the list of Dutch 'Urban and village conservation areas'.ArchitectureTown hallThe town hall in Dokkum was built in 1610.Churches Grote of Sint-Martinuskerk which is from the 16th century. Sint-Bonifatiuskerk from 1871. Bonifatiuskapel is from 1934TransportDokkum had a station on the North Friesland Railway, which opened in 1901. It became the terminus for passenger services in May 1935 and closed to passengers in July 1936. The station reopened to passengers in May 1940 and closed to passengers in July 1942. Freight services ceased in 1975. There is still a bus station in Dokkum.

Adres: Dokkum
Stad: Dokkum

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In-Dokkum In-Dokkum 543 meter Nieuws brengen dat op andere plekken niet te lezen is, achtergrondverhalen en fotorep...
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