
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Dieren


Dieren is a town in the eastern Netherlands. It is located in Rheden, Gelderland, between Zutphen and Arnhem, on the bank of the IJssel.Dieren was a separate municipality until 1818, when it became a part of Rheden.A steam railway connect Dieren and Apeldoorn via Beekbergen, operated by the Veluwsche Stoomtrein Maatschappij.The Gazelle bicycle factory is located in Dieren.History"Hof te Dieren" was the house of the Dutch Stadtholder Frederik Hendrik of Orange, William II, Prince of Orange, William III of Orange and William IV of Orange. They enlarged the house and held hunting parties in the nearby woods. A road was built, connecting Dieren to The Hague, which is called the "Koningsweg". The road can still be found in many places in the Netherlands, such as Otterlo. The house was heavily damaged by Canadian soldiers during the liberation of the Netherlands, as they were under the wrong impression that German SS soldiers were located in the house. They were actually located in "Avegoor", a building located to the south-west of Dieren.

Adres: Dieren
Stad: Dieren

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