
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Dementia Doctor

Dementia Doctor
"Dr Naomi Dongelmans is a general practitioner in The Netherlands, a dancer, a speaker, and a leading authority on caring for people with dementia.Naomi helps people with dementia and their caregivers to achieve a healthier and happier life with less stress. She offers simple and clear information about dementia and empowers caregivers.Naomi believes that more happiness in the lives of caregivers and those with dementia must be pursued."

"Welcome to Dr. Naomi Dongelmans' online healthcare hub — your digital sanctuary for specialised holistic dementia care and work-life balance. As a GP, bestselling author, and international speaker, Dr. Naomi is on a mission to guide caregivers from burnout to breakthrough. Our online platform offers personalised consultations, self-care strategies, and practical tools not just for you but also to enhance the well-being of those you care for.Ready to transform your caregiving journey? Book a Clarity Call to discover our 6-month 'The Caregivers Toolkit™' program. Elevate your caregiving and enrich lives—schedule your virtual appointment today!"
Adres: Tongerseweg 346, 6215 AC Maastricht
Telefoonnummer: +31 6 13845760
Stad: Maastricht
Route: Tongerseweg 346
Postcode: 6215 AC

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