
Recensies, contactgegevens voor منظمة ضمان الإنسانية -Damaan Humanitarian Organization

منظمة ضمان الإنسانية -Damaan Humanitarian Organization


Damaan Humanitarian Organization Official Facebook Page


Damaan Humanitarian Organization is a non-profit, humanitarian and development organization with an independent legal entity registered in the Netherlands under KVK 67513025 and operating in the Syrian Arab Republic under license No 10006 - Syrian Interim Government.

Damaan Humanitarian Organization strives to implement its programs and projects in accordance with the latest internationally approaches / methods.


We envision a Syria where Syrians are no longer in need but productive and on their feet again to build a prosperous future for their country and the future generations. A country where human rights are respected and all people are equal and enjoy access to education, health, water and food.

We work to foster sustainable development and humanitarian response. We each contribute uniquely in advancing our mission, whether by working in different sectors or by supporting the overall goal of the organization.

By offering our help and projects in Health, Education, Humanitarian Response and Water, we contribute to solving some of the leading problems facing the Syrians – helping to find local solutions to challenges and sowing the seeds of lasting change. We recognize the importance of Education, Health Services, Clean Water and Humanitarian Response in alleviating the hardship of the war. We aim for inclusive development, systemic change, local ownership, and contextualized solutions.


Our mission is to make a lasting difference in the lives of Syrians and to help rebuilding the country in the future. Thus,

We work with Syrians to change the current reality through sustainable development and humanitarian projects / programs.

We work with Syrians to enforce and rebuild the vital sectors of health, education, as well as water, food / nutrition.

We work with Syrians to build and support civil societies and their roles in the development of communities and promotion of human rights and democracy.

Our Core Values


We strive for efficiency, effectiveness, and meaningful results across our work. We continually seek to improve our operations and increase our impact. We take pride in our work and our accomplishments.


We are honest and transparent, accountable for our efforts, and maintain a consistently high moral standard.
We are ethical in all that we do. We are fair with colleagues, partners, and those we serve, building relationships of trust.


We demonstrate respect for one another, our partners, and the people we serve in the affected areas. We recognize and acknowledge the strength that comes from diversity. We value all people equally and treat others as we would like to be treated. We consistently demonstrate professionalism and respect in our communications and in our behavior.


We seek to ensure that all voices are heard. We strive to strengthen the voices of the marginalized and vulnerable. We value every team member and seek to ensure everyone can fulfill their potential.


We value our differences and draw strength from diversity. We support programs that engage people across the affected areas. We value every member of our team, learn from their experience, and foster their active engagement. We advance equality, foster equal opportunity and address inequality within our organization and in our work.


We seek to improve ourselves and our work continually through reflection and evaluation. We design and assess programs with an eye towards constant improvement. We recognize that professional development is fundamental to team satisfaction and success.

منظمة ضمان الانسانية هي منظمة تنموية غير ربحية ذات شخصية قانونية اعتبارية مستقلة مسجلة في المملكة الهولندية في غرفة التجارة تحت رقم 67513025 و عاملة في الجمهورية العربية السورية بترخيص من دائرة تسجيل المنظمات الغير الحكومية في مجلس محافظة رف دمشق في الحكومة السورية المؤقتة رقم 10006.

تهدف المنظمة الى التخفيف عن معاناة الشعب السوري و تسعى لرفع مستوى الفرد المعيشي و الصحي و التعليمي من خلال برامجها و مشاريعها حيث تعتمد المنظمة المنهجية العلمية المتخصصة في سبيل دعم الاعمال الانسانية و التنموية في المجتمع

Onze taak

Our mission is to make a lasting difference in the lives of Syrians and to help rebuilding the country in the future. Thus,

We work with Syrians to change the current reality through sustainable development and humanitarian projects / programs.

We work with Syrians to enforce and rebuild the vital sectors of health, education, as well as water, food / nutrition.

We work with Syrians to build and support civil societies and their roles in the development of communities and promotion of human rights and democracy.

دعم الشعب السوري في كافة المجالات التنموية.

العمل و الانتقال مع الاشخاص المعنيين من كونهم متلقين للمساعدات ليعودوا منتجين و فاعلين في المجتمع من خلال البرامج التنموية.

العمل على بناء و دعم المجتمعات المدنية الاهلية و تطوير العمل التنموي و الانساني من اجل تحقيق نهضة و تنمية شاملتين في مختلف جوانب و قطاعات المجتمع السوري.

Adres: Tuinstee 34, 1446 HE Purmerend
Telefoonnummer: 0031621672520
Stad: Purmerend
Route: Tuinstee 34
Postcode: 1446 HE

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