
Recensies, contactgegevens voor DAF Trucks N.V.

DAF Trucks N.V.


DAF Trucks N.V. - a subsidiary of PACCAR Inc, one of the largest producers of heavy trucks in the world - is a leading truck producer in Europe.



DAF works according to the ‘Build to Order’ principle. This means that all vehicles are built to satisfy each customer’s individual wishes, but production only starts after the order is received from the customer. This is very important, because DAF builds tens of thousands of different vehicle versions which are all built to meet each customer’s individual specifications and transport requirements.

The customer is DAF’s top priority. Low costs per kilometre, high quality, driver comfort, low fuel consumption, minimal impact on the environment and high transport efficiency characterise all DAF products.

DAF Trucks has production facilities in Eindhoven, the Netherlands and in Westerlo in Belgium. Thanks to its high efficiency and the world class manufacturing and products, the company has established a strong competitive position on the European market.

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Every transport application has unique requirements, so every DAF vehicle is unique, built to order, utilising a range of cab, chassis, driveline and axle configurations. Three vehicle concepts – the LF, CF and XF - one quality standard: the best. Whatever the challenge, there’s a DAF to meet it.

Adres: Hugo van der Goeslaan 1, 5643TW Eindhoven
Telefoonnummer: +31 (0) 40 214 9111
Stad: Eindhoven
Route: Hugo van der Goeslaan 1
Postcode: 5643TW

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