
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Cuijk


Cuijk is a municipality and a town in upper southeastern Netherlands of pre-historic origin. Its existence is recorded on the Roman roadmap Tabula Peutingeriana under the name of Ceuclum. Cuijk is twinned with Maldon in Essex, UK. It is a big commuter town with very good public transport services to nearby Nijmegen. The nearest hospital is at Boxmeer and the nearest international airport is situated in the German town of Weeze. Cuijk has a railway station on the Nijmegen to Venlo railway.Population centresPopulation centers include: Beers Haps Katwijk Linden Sint Agatha VianenTopographyDutch Topographic map of the municipality of Cuijk, June 2015TransportationCuijk railway station

Adres: 5430–5437, 5439 Cuijk
Stad: Cuijk
Postcode: 5430–5437, 5439

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