
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Cruden BV

Cruden BV


The world’s leading designer, manufacturer and integrator of open architecture driving simulators for the automotive, motorsport and marine industries


Cruden is the world’s leading designer, manufacturer and integrator of open architecture driving simulators for the automotive, motorsport and marine industries.

We supply flexible, durable, high performing simulators and their modular components: hardware, software, vehicle models, content and screens and projectors.

Our driver-in-the-loop (DIL) simulators and Panthera Software Suite are designed to slot into customers’ existing tool chains so their engineers can be up and running quickly with a future-proof system that does not tie them to any one supplier.

Having recognised the potential of driving simulators to save time and money through DIL testing since the 1990s, we have installed over 100 simulators globally and gained a firm reputation as a trustworthy simulator expert.

"Cruden is the world’s leading designer, manufacturer and integrator of professional open architecture driving simulators for the automotive, motorsport, marine and motorcycle industries."
Adres: Pedro de Medinalaan 25, 1086XP Amsterdam
Telefoonnummer: +31 20 707 4668
Stad: Amsterdam
Route: Pedro de Medinalaan 25
Postcode: 1086XP

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