
Recensies, contactgegevens voor CROP innovation & business

CROP innovation & business


Meet leaders of the international plant breeding industry at the CROP innovation & business conference in Amsterdam, Royal Tropical Institute, April 2-4!


Central theme of this year its conference is the way R&D insights and business models can lead to new agri-products, technologies and solutions that help solve the big societal challenges. Take a look at www.cropib.com for more information.

Also new elements like pitches from start-ups, the involvement of young entrepreneurs, international students and round table discussions will be part of the program. In addition we have a great social programme with dinners, drinks and sight-seeing to make your stay in Amsterdam valuable.

This 8th edition will host the leaders of the international plant breeding industry like DuPont Pioneer, Monsanto, Takii seed, KWS Saat SE, Bayer Crop Science, Syngenta, Rijk Zwaan, Limagrain and Enza zaden.

Together with the technology providers like Oxford Nanopore technologies, KeyGene and Calyxt we will discuss about how R&D-insights lead to new products and solutions that help solve the big societal challenges, IP and regulatory, breakthrough R&D, Robotics, big data & precision agro, biotechnologies and genomics, biobased, open field, vegetable and ornamental crops.

Adres: Heereweg 345, 2161 CA Lisse
Telefoonnummer: +31252755810
Stad: Lisse
Route: Heereweg 345
Postcode: 2161 CA

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