
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Colad



Colad is an innovative brand creating possibilities for the non-paint market, ingenious solutions lie in the label's DNA. Colad, inventing more!


Colad is an innovative brand creating possibilities for the non-paint market, ingenious solutions lie in the label's DNA. Colad, inventing more!

Onze taak

Colad wants to offer ingenious solutions to industry-specific issues for increased enjoyment of work, efficiency, sustainability, professionalism and profit.


Masking Paper, Masking Film, Masking Tape, Sensor Covers, Sanding Materials, Pump Spray, Mixing Cups, Turbomix Paintsaver, Snap Lid Paint application System, Easy2Check, OneStepReady, Advanced Cut, Check Light, Bodyguard, Nitril Gloves, Neoprene Gloves, Spray Booth Protection

Adres: Bohemenstraat 19, 8028 SB Zwolle
Telefoonnummer: +31 38 467 66 00
Stad: Zwolle
Route: Bohemenstraat 19
Postcode: 8028 SB

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