
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Christians United Interdenominational Fellowship Church


Church Goal

Create an environment where souls are saved, people are delivered and the Holy Spirit lives within the people of God.


Christians United Church - Schinnen Netherlands is an Interdenominational Church led by Senior Pastor Dexter D. Griffin.
We pray that God will open up the window of heaven and pour out a blessing on you and your family today. My wife and I pray that you take a stand on this day and make a decision to serve God. Furthermore, we hope you will allow the Spirit of God to prevail and direct your life. It is time we open up our hearts and minds so the seeds of Grace and Mercy may be placed into our lives.

Join us today as we walk by Faith overcoming the Challenges of this life.
Psalm 122 says, "I was glad when they said unto me let us go into the house of the Lord." Come and join us today. Pastor and Mrs. Dexter D. Griffin.

Adres: Breinder 5, 6365 Schinnen
Stad: Schinnen
Route: Breinder 5
Postcode: 6365

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