
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Chat & Kids Playgroup

Chat & Kids Playgroup


Chat & Kids is an international playgroup for children ages 0-5 years. It is open on Tuesday mornings 1030-1230hrs.


Chat & Kids is a fun playgroup for parents and children aged 0-5 years. We have a large space with a gym hall full of toys and age appropriate equipment. We also have a room for children to complete puzzles, paint, use play-doh or to just sit and enjoy a snack. We have a cosy corner for parents to feed their babies and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee. There is a well stocked kitchen with excellent prices for hot and cold drinks as well as healthy snacks for the kids! Price is 4.00 per child, babies under 6mths are free! The playgroup is run by Erna Borbas and Christa Reynolds - get in touch if you have queries or suggestions!

Adres: Schoolstraat 76, 2252KG Wassenaar
Telefoonnummer: 0705146738
Stad: Wassenaar
Route: Schoolstraat 76
Postcode: 2252KG

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