
Recensies, contactgegevens voor Cattery Kilmurry

Cattery Kilmurry


Kilmurry Maine Coon Cattery. Kleinschallig gefokt, met exclusieve combinaties.


We are breeders of the Maine Coon. We will breed only with original bloodlines with tests for HCM, PKD.
Our mother of the kennel is an offspring from an American father and a Danish mother. Mira is our biginning of our cattery.
Also we have 4 dogs in the house. The kittens will be born in an kittenroom. When they are 4 weeks old, they can walk between the dogs in our sittingroom.
We have 2 kids. So the kittens will grow up between them to!
We give our dogs and cats only food, how nature plans. So our cats get CATSnature www.catsnature.nl fresh food. Also the kittens get this food.

Adres: Steenweg 103, 4781AN Moerdijk
Stad: Moerdijk
Route: Steenweg 103
Postcode: 4781AN

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